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Saturday, December 31, 2016

An Emerging idea In Rural Entrepreneurship: Agro Tourism

: An Emerging idea In Rural Entrepreneurship: Agro Tourism

Among the leading industry, Tourism has become and continues to grow rapidly, contributing effectively to economic growth and employment-generation in many countries. It hopes the country in fundamental growth of the country like India in the form of Rural Tourism i.e. Agro-Tourism because of its Massive Rural and Agro livelihood.     The emerging sectors in Indian economy with tremendous vibrating potential to assist the process of sustainable rural development is the Agro Tourism. Rural tourism-Agro Tourism has been a major concept under the new dimension of tourism paradigm where agro-based rural community and its flourished culture are treated to be the major components of the tourism market. Odisha also waiting and calling for a shining future to be flourished in this sector.

Agro tourism is essentially an activity that takes place in the rural countryside. Agro tourism creates an experiences for tourist who likes and enjoys locations that are sparsely populated, it is primarily in natural environment, and it meshes with seasonality and local events of the land and is based on preservation of culture, heritage and traditions. Agro Tourism consists of farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, and eco-tourism. The area has tremendous potential to bridge the gap between the rural and urban people. Though the sector might be new for India, internationally it has been well recognized and considered as an important part of rural economy. Entrepreneurship in this sector bears great possibilities as revenue generating avenue as well as the prevention and maintenance of indigenous tradition and culture. Odisha the land of agriculture, culture, temple , natural scenery and rich heritage is waiting for flourishing in Agro-Tourism.

More than 6 lakh villages in india and 51 thousand villages in Odisha depicts the span of entrepreneurship, which is considered as a central force of economic growth and development. Tourism's role in rural development is basically can help to sustain and improve the quality of life in rural areas. Tourism involves mostly small enterprises, so the role of tourism entrepreneurs can be important for the development of rural tourism. Of all economic sectors, here the greatest degree of involvement is needed by the entrepreneurial sector in formulating sustainable strategies. Especially in Agro tourism, entrepreneurship has gained an increasing importance as it is seen as a major driving force behind rural tourism. However, entrepreneurship demands an enabling environment in order to flourish. Entrepreneurial culture, climate, infrastructure and support are important elements for such an environment. The creation of such an environment starts by the development of appropriate institutional support at the country level to address the supply of entrepreneurship, focusing on the number of young people who have the motivation, financial means and the skills to start new business. Our Policies and programmes should be targeted specifically at the entrepreneurial sector to increase the overall education level of the population, with ensuring that entrepreneurial training is readily accessible to develop skills and capabilities to start a business in ground level. Regarding the sustainable strategies, they have to be based on public/private approach (PPP mode) in which the public sector can play a very significant role as facilitator and stimulus for private entrepreneurship in tourism.

The social and economic impacts are out of boundary. Foreign exchange earrings. Domestic revenue generation, Employment generation, utilisation of untapped youth, development of infrastructures and growth of allied business having its manifold benefits throws by it.