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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Odisha Calling: Economic augmentation through Agro-Tourism

Odisha Calling: Economic augmentation through Agro-Tourism
Rural India as well as Odisha needs an multitalented development for reducing extensive poverty, increased rural economic activities, boosting global agricultural competition and also towards building a  strong economic growth for the land by creating and supplementing highly potential Indian agriculture sector with the tourism growth. It is very much required to operationalize a systematic  and  overall development sectorial plan with twin goal of employment generation and financial growth. Fusion and development of tourism sector with the rural economy can bring a win-win situation for Odisha the Agro with lesser extra funding and activity addition .
An apex team of frontline agro tourism professionals is needed directions and guidance in this regards and sectorial excellency ; keep interest in creating a structured and systematic human resource management plan-outlay for Agro Tourism through involving local native communities in a rural setting. The  policy planners should look forward deeply and heartily to inspire and promote innovations for developing local communities’ like Selp Help Group, Women Groups , Club members, Societies and also increase preparedness for the tourism sector by focusing on certain suggestive core strategies for Agro Tourism in Odisha. It should be taken as an primary instrument for growth of underdeveloped, developing and rural areas. Servicing the tourism sector with trained and skilled manpower becomes imperative and challenge for the 12th Five-Year Plan (2012-2017) for the development of more decentralized and agro based rural tourism destinations.

This should include following most vital and primary items::
1.       Policy framework : pro-poor tourism development policy is to be ready to chalk-out the rural and weaker areas equitably all across the state, defining of various rural tourism circuits, introducing incentives schemes and subsidising investments for  prosperity of potentiality.
2.        Establishing training and development tourism  trust funds: various Community-based and community-driven, these trusts are  to be established to put forward about local tourism development in the hands of the local communities themselves on public private partnership with the various government regulators.
3.        Identifying the focused current and future skills and training needs through developing an industry orientated training strategy, designing and developing job specific training programs  for promoting careers in agro tourism, promoting various industry participation, engagement in training opportunities.
4.       Focusing on the youth mass - By creating opportunities for the most talented local youth manpower by adopting a multi-disciplinary process with regard to career development opportunities. We have to remove cultural and social barriers that can prevent young people from working.
5.       Establishing occupational skills capacity building activities for tour operators, hospitality- accommodations management, cuisine preparation, sectorial guides and transportation
6.       Develop a frame work in the state for sustain and long term existence of Agro Tourism in the rural and.
7.       Regular touch with NGOs, UN Organizations should be required. In each potential area  at least one pilot project  has to be developed and make it as a show piece for others in each identified rural / underdeveloped areas for all states.

Practically rural India holds the key to vibrant economic development, reduction of regional imbalances and disparities, poverty reduction, enormous employment generation and. The future does belongs to the rise of new economic giant powers , India being tom-tomed as the favourite super power with empowered Gram Udaya- Bharat Uday means prosperity with Rural.