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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Government initiative for Agri-Entrepreneurship- a Super Booster

Government initiative for Agri-Entrepreneurship- a Super Booster

Yield directly impacts a farmer’s cash flow and the ability to respond to fluctuations in the market. Long-term, yield limits a farmer’s ability to invest into their farm’s future to increase productivity and decrease risks associated with their crops (via inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, crop insurance, market/weather info, livestock health support, etc.) but also to invest into their families in areas such as education, healthcare, training, etc. The challenge is seeking affordable, accessible, easy-to-use technologies, products or services to enhance agricultural productivity in India. In this regard Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India  in partnership with Startup India for Agri-tech start-ups with a commercially viable solution to solve in many way for innovative challenges in the sector. It will provide start-ups with access to priority infrastructure, and make Agriculture and it allied services an attractive sector for the country's best brains.

Under this challenge, major 12 problem statements were issued in the following areas:

1. Development of simplified, sensor based quick testing method to test nutrients & micronutrients in soil to reduce the collection, testing time required for the sample to ensure on the spot results to the farmers. In addition, simplification of soil testing protocols needs to be done for Soil Health Management.

2. Real time assaying and quick grading solution for eNAM to effectively handle huge lots of agricultural commodities. Electronic National Agriculture Market ( eNAM) is a virtual market with a physical market (mandi) at the back end to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities for pan-India electronic trading.
3. Development of e-marketplaces to connect food processors with agripreneur/ farmers to bridge the value gap – Farm to Fork model for agricultural marketing has not kept pace with the changes in economy, particularly relating to setting up of an efficient supply chain. National Agriculture Market (NAM) would create a win-win situation for both i.e. agripreneurs and processors.

4. Price forecast system for Pulses /Oilseeds /Potato /Onion / Tomato at the time of sowing. In India, price of commodity is dependent on various external factors such as area, yield, production, Household food demand, feed demand, etc. After consideration the sowing patterns, weather and other factor mentioned considering past trends and other factors.

5. Agriculture Extension, Scheme information, processes, hand holding support for benefit under different Government schemes on regular basis at the Panchayat / Common Service Center / KVK level which will provide information to farmers regarding schemes and benefits linking with Aadhar, Soil Health Cards and crop as well as health insurance etc. may be considered on this platform for the welfare of farmers.

6. Yield estimation modelling at village or farm level: The success of implementation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana depends upon accurate yield estimates at village/farm level. However, crop yield estimation is a very complex activity, as yield is influenced by many factors, such as crop genotype, soil, weather, management practice and various biotic and abiotic stresses and with an immediate insurance processing technology delivery system.

7. Use of technology in sorting/ grading/ increasing shelf life of agriculture produce (fruits, vegetables, flowers): In agriculture, post-harvest handling is the preliminary stage in a crop’s lifecycle which immediately follows harvest and is important to extend the marketable life of any produce to ultimately reduce waste while increase farmers’ earnings.

8. Use of technology to test adulteration of fresh produce: Food is essential for nourishment & sustenance of life. Adulteration of food cheats the consumer and can pose serious risk to health. Food is adulterated if its quality is lowered or affected by the addition of substances which are injurious to health or by the removal of substances which are nutritious.

9. Creation of regional Agri-Kiosk by the respective department to provide a kind of a one-stop shop for all agricultural needs providing services such as soil testing, seed selection, appropriate pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Agri-kiosks can also provide the latest agricultural equipment on rent which make it easily accessible for women farmers.

10. Alternate usage of paddy straw (left in field after harvesting of paddy) to discourage farmers from burning the same. The challenge is seeking for technological solutions for alernative usage of paddy straw to discourage Crop Residue Burning.

11. Technology to substitute the use of pesticides & insecticides to prevent pre-harvest losses.  Due to lack of effective, affordable and eco-friendly technologies to control pests, farmers are left with no choice but to continue spraying harmful and toxic pesticides on crops.

12. Seeking affordable, accessible, easy-to-use technologies, products or services to enhance agricultural productivity in India.

Now One of the biggest issues facing the agricultural sector in India is low yield: India’s farm yield is 30-50% lower than that of developed nations. Average farm size, poor infrastructure, low use of farm technologies and best farming techniques, decrease of soil fertility due to over fertilization and sustained pesticide use, are leading contributors to low agricultural productivity. Hence for a mass change in whole government should firmly and sincerely focus on the same and value addition like agro tourism as in next to no time as possible.