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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

OPPORTUNITY ODISHA – a gateway to new Dimensions

OPPORTUNITY ODISHA – a gateway to new Dimensions

In  Indian Agriculture and Tourism Industry Scenario just like the “True Culture of India”.
Global economic restructuring has created a excellent climate in which many local economies have to adjust, in order to maintain their socio-economic viability. These changes, coupled with new ideas and approaches to leisure and recreation time are encouraging tourism development in rural areas rapidly at an ever increasing pace. Rural with agro based tourism development results in entrepreneurs developing businesses that attract visitors or as a result of tourists discovering the area and thereby generating a demand for tourism related activities to which local entrepreneurs retort. Due to the conceptualism of the development of tourism in a rural area is not simply a matter of matching tourist demands with local product supply but a matter of evaluating local suitability and acceptability.
Agro – Tourism: Tourism on the farms enables farmers to diversify their activities while enhancing with facilities look for genuine rural calm  atmosphere where they can share familiarity of the household they live in, learn traditional cultures, crafts and skills with their hosts, make friends which is a quality, modern times have almost forgotten and above all enjoy homemade natural food and drinks.
Agritourism in India and Odisha : an Innovative Income generating activity for youth Enterprising Farmers Agriculture is backbone of Indian economy. This sector’s contribution towards GDP is decreasing and farmers are finding it difficult to carry the agricultural activities without an additional income. Whereas tourism is termed as an instrument for good and dedicated employment generation, poverty alleviation and development, Agri-Tourism brings in together the declining and booming sector.
Advantages of Agri-Tourism:
1. . Agriculture sector has the capacity to absorb expansion in Tourism sector.
2. It brings major primary sector Agriculture closer to major service sector tourism expected to create win-win situation for both the sectors.
3. Tourism sector has the potential to enlarge.
4. An inexpensive gateway for the cost of food, accommodation, recreation and travel and tourism.
5. Curiosity for the urban about farming industry and life style increases
by providing scope for re-discovering the rural life, which is rich in diversity.
6. Strong family oriented recreational activities through rural games, festivals, food, costumes and dress.
7. Educational value of Agri-Tourism spreading knowledge about Agriculture science where urban students are moving with the pace of technology.
Contribute to the success of Agri-Tourism as a benevolent service:
1. Farmer: Majority cases farmer is less educated, less exposed and innocent for him outsider as guest is (like god) and is treated wholeheartedly without any commercial motive. He entertains the guest while entertaining himself in the process he fills all the service gaps . This makes him a natural businessman.
2. Village: Village being located far from the city lacks urban facilities but is rich in natural resources. The investment is the natural resources itself.
3. Agriculture field: Each field is unique which adds to the attraction of the urban population. This is the incentive wealth of the rural people.
Basic ethics of Agri-Tourism
1. Have something for visitors to see: Animals, birds, farms, culture of the village, dress and festivals.
2. Have something for visitors to do: Participating in agricultural operations, riding camel, buffalo, cooking in earthen pot and participating in the rural games i.e. Gillidanda, KABAADI, Gotti (marble etc.).

3. Have something for visitors to buy: Rural crafts, dress materials, farm gate fresh processed food are few items.